Integrated Management System
Cintasa has an Integrated Management System, which jointly manages Quality, Safety and Health and Environment.
The company, aware of the need for continuous improvement and its desire to satisfy customers and offer a more competitive product and service that adapts to the needs of the market in terms of Quality, Safety, Health and Environment, works to obtain and maintenance of International Standards.
International Standars
ISO 9001:2015
International standard based on process management and control requirements. This certification was obtained in 2000 and is renewed periodically.

ISO 14001:2015
International standard that specifies a process to control and improve a company’s environmental performance and performance. Obtained in 2022 and renewed periodically.

ISO 45001:2018
International standard for occupational health and safety management systems, intended to protect workers and visitors from accidents and occupational diseases. Obtained in 2022 and periodically renewed.

ISO 3834-2:2021
Standard which refers to the quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials. This standard was obtained in 2017 and is renewed annually.

Other certificates
The RSA Seal is a recognition that, through the Aragonese Development Institute (IAF), the Government of Aragon grants to companies, self-employed workers, non-profit entities and all types of public and private organizations in the Autonomous Community of Aragon, which implement and voluntarily apply socially responsible practices.
First obtained in 2020 and renewed annually.